Friday, March 15, 2024

It's a Wonderful Life

It really is a wonderful life, George Bailey.

Advice that I need to take too.

I have loved this movie since I first saw it at 15 years old,


It took until I was 51 to realize I was George Bailey too.

Or at least my wife opened up my eyes to this fact just this past Christmas.

It was a big ole DUH! that I ignored for decades.

But she was right,

I am George Bailey in real life.

I had big, big, BIG dreams of running far, far, far away and doing big, big, BIG things!

But I always found myself stuck in the same place.

Like the universe was saying, 

"Nope, you need to be right here doing these little but still very important things instead."

No matter how hard I tried,

I was always doing little but still important things right here instead of far, far away doing big things.

At least like George Bailey, I found a beautiful Donna Reed too who loves me unconditionally with starry-eyes and all whenever she looks at me, 

Even after all of these decades together.

We now have a family that we hope to grow as big as George Bailey's one day too,

Complete with a lovely, yet frustrating house that we now wouldn't trade for any fancy new mansion ever,

Because it is OUR house.

It is the house where we created our Danny and hoping for more kids to come.

And yep,

It took an angel or two as well to help me realize that my life is pretty swell.

I can't wait for Christmas so I can watch this film again.

It really is a wonderful life, Ali Naro.

Advice maybe for us all...

Tea and Sympathy

I used to wish this movie had been my life when I first saw it as a teenager. I used to wish and wish and wish that I had gotten to have an ...