Friday, March 8, 2024

Summer House/Winter House

A couple of reality series that are bascially about a bunch of really pretty and very fit people.

All they do is drink,



And then go home.


It's a very entertaining show.

Reality shows are now my new soap operas.

I gotta have my soap fix,

And reality shows are now the only way to keep my addiction to straight people drama fed for life.

Between these two shows and a couple of those crazy Real Housewives franchises,

I will be swimming in soap opera drama forever...

Or until Andy Cohen's empire finally falls just like the Roman's did.

Nothing lasts forever.

Especially soap operas or even Andy Cohen.

I'd rather have my soaps back.

Andy Cohen's empire is getting so dark and hostile.

I think he wishes he had been born a straight lady and not a gay man.

There's a way to fix that now, Andy.

Maybe if you give it a try your reality franchises might finally find some fun and light.

Tea and Sympathy

I used to wish this movie had been my life when I first saw it as a teenager. I used to wish and wish and wish that I had gotten to have an ...